Hurray Kimmay with Kimmay Caldwell

Today’s episode is unique and interesting because of the arc of the guest’s story. Kathy welcomes Kimmay Caldwell to the show. Her journey started as a bra-fitter in New York City, and she found that almost every woman she fit, had negative things to say about their body and themselves. And she realized that she was having those same conversations in her head. So she decided to change the negative talk within her and help others do the same. And so, Hurray Kimmay was born.

Her company is not only the go-to spot for the best bra fitting and information around, but a place offering people support in positive self-care and esteem. She and Kathy have a broader discussion on self-worth, and what it means to be loved and accepted. Also giving tips to parents on how to provide our children with positive examples and discussions to help them avoid body negativity. Above all Kimmay’s goal is to help you get out of your way and say – HURRAY!

Connect with Kimmay Caldwell